Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Report of music appreciation featuring the PMC fact.8 signature speaker
Date: 2019-09-02
上星期六 (31/8) ,歷時兩個鐘頭的PMC fact8. signature音樂試聽會,讓參與者大飽耳福,展現出新一代 fact8. signature 強大的音樂真實還原能力。負責驅動 fact.8 signature 的是來自德國 OCTAVE V80 SE 真空管合併擴音機,訊源方面當然是音色華麗的 Burmester 061 CD機。
整套組合的聲音平衡度非常之高,無論播放何種類型的音樂都有優異的表現。帶給了大家很舒服且開心的聽感,更重要的是該組合對音樂有非常高的洞察力,而且賦予動感。主角fact.8 signature 是次在活動中首次開聲已先聲奪人,憑著 ATL 精密傳輸線的先天優勢,再加上改良驅動單元及應用旗艦fenesteria發燒級分音元件之後,其音質的提升更進一級。
另一個配角OCTAVE V80 SE 是第一部選用大輸出功率 KT150 強放管。OCTAVE 做膽機有幾種特色,就是有完善的電源管理和聰明的保護線路,V80 SE採用KT150的好處,除了功率輸出夠大之外,就是低音的質素夠好,夠結實及有層次。膽機在播音樂時的氣氛會做得較石機好是用來播放音樂的好機種,特別是在弦樂和人聲方面更能突出這種優勢。同時,我們在系統 061 CD機與V80 SE 訊號連接之間加了 OCTAVE Filter 3-P 訊源濾波器,令到音樂背景更加寧靜,整體的樂器線條及人聲輪廓更突出,音場縱深感加強,在用與不用的示範結果,也使在場聽眾為之驚訝。
CD播放機的Burmester 061 是該品牌的中價位產品,聲音帶著 Burmester 招牌式的甜美高音特質;純淨、細膩、富有光澤,卻又毫無刺激性的高頻段,的確是令播放音樂最引人入勝的地方。其個性焦點在於澄澈深邃的音場、晶瑩通透的高音與細膩刻畫的質感,音像形態非常凝聚實在,但輪廓線條則不像刀切斧鑿般特意強調。恰如其份的將音樂氣氛營造、濃郁直接的音樂感以及華麗飄逸的空氣美感,全由 fact.8 signature 全面表現出來。
整套示範器材有著極好的速度和結實有層次的低音,將音樂中的細節及微動態表露無遺,fact.8 signature 在這場示範會中功不可沒。在最後環節中的新舊 fact.8 的較量高下立見,從它的表現足以證明是一對非常優秀、講求高傳真性的揚聲器。在此我們衷心感謝出席這場音樂示範會的所有發燒友!