bFly-audio Base Two Pro - The Invisible Absorber Base


Date: 2015-06-03


bFly-audio was founded by Reinhold Schaeffer in Augsburg, Germany in 2014. He had spent ten years on development of the "Multi-Layer Adjustment Technology" (MLA).


MLA Technology utilizes selective balanced layers of different absorber materials - Sorbothane®, cork, natural rubber, and a brass layer. Each absorbent layer provides filtering of different frequency ranges, resulting in improved cumulative effect compared to single materials.


The BaseTwo Pro absorber bases delivered to us for evaluation are made of 30mm high quality multiple solid wood topped with 3mm anodized aluminium alloy in combination with vibration isolator feet. To explore their full potential, I placed the larger one beneath analogue source components like the Kondo GE-1 tube phono amplifier and the SFZ step-up transformer, both susceptible to external vibrations.


Playing "Money for Nothing" in the Dire Straits 6-LP album, I noted the voice at the beginning of the song vanishing slowly, with clarity. The roars of the electric guitar and the fierce drum strokes were clearly heard thanks to the improved silent background of the BaseTwo Pro. Its ability to dissipate vibration was stunning. Placing the smaller BaseTwo Pro beneath DC power supply of my turntable widened the soundstage further. At any rate, the BaseTwo Pro's disappeared completely. They did improve the overall quality of reproduction without altering the inherent tonal balance of the supported equipment.


PDF bFly-audio Base Two Pro - The Invisible Absorber Base