Date: 2021-01-15
Special publication
We are pleased to announce the annual sale you have all been waiting for, with our careful planning and arrangement under the shadow of COVID-19, it can finally be released! Given that the current pandemic is still unclear, as a responsible company, we must take public health as our primary consideration. Therefore, this Sale event will be adjusted in accordance with the situation and be carried out in two phases.
For the first phase, in order to avoid the risk of infection under the current pandemic, we are carrying out organised sales events via our Online Shop: and the Wan Chai Showroom simultaneously on January 22 to 30. The first phase is that the selected products will be listed on the online shop at breaking prices. Go check on and enjoy the fun of shopping online at home. We offer free delivery service for invoices valued over HK$1,000 ( Except outlying islands).
In addition, our showroom will also display all selected products which can be purchased online. In the interest of health and safety, we encourage you to purchase online, and the showroom will strictly execute crowd control measures and only provide orderly services. I hope you all understand the intention and safety concern of this arrangment.
For the second phase, the further price reductions will be announced at a later stage, please pay attention to our company website and Facebook for future announcements.
*** Our telephone quotation and goods reservation service will be temporarily unavailable during the price reduction period. To avoid any confusion, please purchase online.
Please pay attention to our Facebook updates during the sale event period!
Date: January 22-30, 2021
Showroom Business Hours: 10:00am ~ 7:00pm (Closed on Sunday)
Showroom Location: 5/F, Siu On Centre, 188 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Enquiries: 2489 2269